Mighty Courage: The Incredible Journey of a Man No Taller Than a Nine-Year-Old

Roman Krivachev, a 20-year-old man hailing from the small village of Bulanash in Russia’s Sverdlovsk region, has overcome incredible odds to pursue his dreams in the financial market. Roman’s life has been marked by a rare genetic condition called craniometaphyseal dysplasia, one of the rarest conditions globally, with only 50 known cases.

Despite standing barely one meter tall, weighing just over 20 kilograms, and facing blindness since his 10th year in school, Roman has shown remarkable resilience. He is not only successful academically but has also displayed a talent for trading on the stock market.

Roman Krivachev

Roman Krivachev

Roman, who appears no older than a schoolboy, earns approximately 100,000 roubles ($2,000) per month by trading shares from his home. He has set his sights on a full-time career in the financial market and is seeking an experienced mentor to help him refine his trading skills.

His journey into the world of finance began when he explored job opportunities at call centers for taxi or takeaway services but was repeatedly turned down without explanations. Inspired by a conversation with his mother’s friend about stock market trading, Roman decided to try his hand at it.

Roman Krivachev

He describes his trading routine, saying, “At midday local time, the stock exchange starts working. I phone them, give my details, and buy shares. There is no stability: sometimes I lose money, sometimes I make it.”

Roman’s story is one of triumph over adversity. Born a healthy baby, he grew normally until the age of nine when he suddenly stopped growing. After five years, doctors diagnosed him with craniometaphyseal dysplasia, a condition characterized by thickening of the skull bones and limb abnormalities. While this condition causes growth and developmental challenges, along with potential heart and lung issues, sufferers can lead normal lives.

Roman Krivachev

Despite his physical limitations, Roman excelled in school, earning a gold medal for his outstanding academic performance. Following his studies, he developed an interest in the stock market, learning about stocks and shares through voice programs on his laptop and audio books on finance and economics.

He shared his motivation: “I wanted to provide for my mum, who had raised me on her own. I first made a couple of thousand roubles, then more, and recently, made 100,000. I got mum a present: a massage armchair.”

Roman’s daily routine consists of physiotherapy exercises with his mother, followed by a bath and breakfast. At midday, his mother takes him to the kitchen, where he keeps his computer, and he begins monitoring exchange rates and market updates on television and radio.

While his genetic condition may be rare and incurable, Roman remains optimistic. He is studying gemmology, exploring astronomy, and staying informed about medical advancements that could offer hope for a cure. One day, he hopes to regain his vision and see the world anew.

Roman’s story is one of remarkable courage and determination, proving that even in the face of adversity, one can achieve their dreams with unwavering resilience.


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