Embracing the Divine: A Mother’s Encounter with Angels at the Hospital

A Surprising Journey to Motherhood

At 8 a.m., they checked in at the hospital. The process of induction began at 9:20 a.m., administered by Ad. The doctor had repeatedly mentioned that the baby wouldn’t be ready for a “late delivery.” My bags had been packed for weeks, and I was eagerly awaiting the green light to leave. She informed us that her contractions were occurring about 2-3 minutes apart, and she had requested one not even two hours later.

I had no idea about the extent of her dilation, but I rushed out the door. I arrived at the hospital at 11:34 a.m., and it was apparent that she was in transition. The nurse suggested they prepare for the epidural, but the labor ward was exceptionally busy, and the anesthesiologist wouldn’t arrive for another 20 minutes.

The anesthesiologist arrived and began attempting to administer the epidural, but things took an unexpected turn. At 12:13 p.m., everyone in the room realized that the epidural wouldn’t happen because the baby was coming—fast. The nurse called for a midwife since the obstetrician wouldn’t make it in time, and sweet Pilar was born within a minute. Here’s what this mother has to say about her childbirth experience:

“As the contractions intensified, my assurance of the sweet relief of an epidural quickly dissipated. The nurse and the anesthesiologist kept instructing me to ‘relax, hold still, stay put,’ all while my body was submerged in wave after wave of pain that I didn’t anticipate.

It’s kind of an understatement, but I didn’t have the mental model and context of spontaneous labor and ‘natural’ contractions since my first daughter’s arrival was also induced, and the epidural kicked in before things got too intense. Here I was, heading into the valley of darkness, and my only thoughts were, ‘This is not part of the plan!’ I remember saying, ‘I can’t do this, I can’t do this!’ over and over.

Then suddenly, it felt like the baby was coming out, and I’d be delivering her myself! I recall screaming, ‘Something’s coming out!’ I was terrified. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I just felt as if I was going to be torn apart.

And this is the stunned face of a woman realizing that she has done what she never imagined she could do. I had a baby without an epidural – I’m still wrapping my head around this. Immediately after Pilar came out, all the pain was gone, and I just felt joy, relief, and love. I would have never thought that I was capable of this, and I’ve already had one child! I’m so thankful that Lisa was there to capture this amazing journey. I will treasure the revelation forever.”

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Be Hieu