The Importance of Helping Children Discover Themselves and Develop Intrinsic Motivation

There are too many reasons to list them all. We all have an emotion inside us even as adults. It is much easier to make a positive impact on a child than on an adult because they are still accessible.
They are discovering who they are, who and what they want to be, their talents and interests. If I can help them discover what interests them, who they are, help them find the key to their own motivation, love to learn and discover their gifts, talents and strengths then they will be more likely to positively influence and contribute to the world. If we find out what our passions are, we can take an interest in learning and engage in what we love, the more likely we are to be intrinsically motivated.
If we are internally motivated instead of just externally motivated, we will be more inclined to be honest with ourselves. If we knew who we were, we wouldn’t have the time, energy, or reason to hate or mistreat others. There are so many kids who aren’t taught that their interests and talents exist for a reason or that who they are and their voice matters. As children, they may not have the right to be themselves or that what is important to them is important.
Their passions and perspectives are valuable and valuable even when they are children. Children often see what adults cannot or do not do but they are often treated as if they are just stupid children when in reality we can learn more about life, love, joy and peace by observing and interacting with children. We often think children are ignorant when they have the simplest answers to the most complex problems. When we teach them, they also teach who we are. My children have taught me who I am.
They taught me my strengths and weaknesses. talent and passion are. They also taught me about who I wanted to be and why, that it’s good to have a sense of wonder, that learning never stops, and that my life for them most resembles the way God loves me . Working with children is life-giving to my soul.

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