The Innocence and Wisdom of a Child

The above image and scripture demonstrate the profound innocence of a child. Today, I happened to be on the same tricycle as a breastfeeding mother whose child was supporting her. Only my body was present in the tricycle because all my focus was on how to catch up with a customer who had been waiting for me for over three hours, no thanks to the terrible traffic. in the evening FCT Abuja (Nyanaya / Karu). It took the gentle touch of this innocent child for me to regain consciousness and that saved me from going any further than where I intended to go. Based on this, I just want to say a few things about a child.

– The child is a symbol of innocence. Room for indentations of any kind is completely absent in a child. He holds no grudges; he forgives easily and does not discriminate.

— Children have pure hearts, no wonder Jesus Christ taught that being like children is the standard for getting to heaven.

– A humble and loving child. He is always quick to apologize whenever he offends someone.

— Finally, a child who is fearless and adventurous. Maybe that’s why he sometimes engages in some harmful exercises.

Indeed, we have a lot to learn from children, so let’s love and care for them.

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Be Tien