Itanoboa: e рrеitоriс iаnt nаkе tаt соuld rо uр tо 50m lоn аn еvоur а iаnt сrосоilе in ut оnе bitе.

Titanoboa is an extinct snake which lived approximately 60 million years ago durin g the Paleogene Period

Its fossils were first discovered in coal mines in La Guajira, Colombia in 2009.

Later that year, it was given its name a name which means “titanic boa.”

If you look closely at Titanoboa pictures, then you can clearly see just how huge this snake really was.

It was approximately 50 feet long and weighed around 2,500 pounds.

To put that into perspective, that is twice as long as the longest snake living today and 4 times as heavy as the giant anaconda.

It is definitely a snake that you wouldn’t want to meet.

One of the most interesting facts about Titanoboa is that while it looked quite a bit like a modern-day anaconda, it most likely didn’t hunt like one.

Modern anacondas hunt by wrapping themselves around their prey and constricting them to death. Titanoboa probably didn’t do that.

Most likely, it sneaked up on its prey and with one quick strike, bit them in the jugular.

That would have allowed it to consume it meal at its own leisure.

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