The two brothers were on their way home when they saw a mutant cobra with ten heads and ran.

The two brothers were making their way home when their peaceful stroll was interrupted by a chilling sight – a mutant cobra with ten heads. Fear gripped them as they watched in horror, unsure of what to do. They knew that encountering such a creature was not something that happened every day, and they needed to act quickly.

Without hesitation, they turned and ran as fast as they could, hoping to put as much distance between themselves and the monstrous cobra as possible. Their hearts were pounding in their chests as they struggled to catch their breath, but they knew they had to keep moving.

As they ran, they could feel the mutant cobra’s presence looming behind them, its many heads swaying and hissing menacingly. They could almost feel the hot breath of the beast on the back of their necks, and their legs grew weaker with each passing moment.

Finally, they arrived at their home, panting and out of breath. They quickly shut the door and locked it, hoping that the mutant cobra could not follow them inside. They peered through the window, watching as the ten-headed creature slithered away into the darkness, disappearing from sight.

The two brothers collapsed onto the floor, relieved to have escaped the mutant cobra’s deadly grasp. They knew that they had just narrowly escaped a brush with death, and they were grateful to be alive. They vowed never to venture out into the unknown again, lest they encounter another terrifying creature like the mutant cobra with ten heads.

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