Crocodile Chases Hunting Cheetahs to Claim a Kudu Carcass

In a thrilling encounter, an African crocodile chased three hunting cheetahs away from a freshly killed kudu carcass in the Shingwedzi dry riverbed of Kruger National Park. The incident, captured on video by Latest Sightings, took place on May 2nd. Prior to the chase, two tourists named Bob and Rosa Swart had spotted the three cheetahs while driving through the park. Despite the scorching sun, the cheetahs exhibited extreme vigilance and focused their attention on something specific. The Swarts patiently waited for over an hour until a herd of waterbucks approached, including some young individuals.

Suddenly, one of the cheetahs disappeared into the thick bushes, while the remaining two began chasing the waterbucks. Eventually, they managed to catch one individual from the herd. The commotion attracted the sunbathing crocodile on the edge of the nearby waterhole. One by one, the crocodiles began crawling closer. The remaining cheetahs tried to hold their ground and growled at their adversaries.

However, the overwhelming number of crocodiles frightened the cheetahs, causing them to abandon the carcass and flee. In total, twelve crocodiles emerged from the water. Nonetheless, only the largest crocodile remained to feast on the kudu carcass, surrounded by vultures and various scavenging birds.

Cheetahs are renowned for their speed and agility, which enables them to become successful hunters. They can sprint at speeds of up to 120 km/h to swiftly capture their prey. Cheetahs rely on their keen eyesight to spot prey from a distance and utilize their speed for ambush attacks.

Crocodiles do not regularly consume rotting carcasses. They prefer actively hunting their own prey rather than scavenging on recently killed animals. Crocodiles eat almost anything they can catch, including fish, birds, and mammals.

The encounter between the crocodile and cheetahs serves as a reminder of the fierce competition for resources in the animal kingdom. In this case, the crocodile’s dominance over the kudu carcass showcased its ability to seize an opportunity and claim a tasty meal.

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Au Gia Lam