In which planet can humans live up to a thousand years?

A Strange Planet with Fascinating Features

A group of international scientists has made an exciting discovery about a peculiar planet. They utilized data obtained from NASA’s Kepler space telescope to measure the orbits of distant planets and came across a fascinating planet.

This planet is none other than EPIC 228813918 b, located outside our solar system, and it rotates much faster than Earth. The findings were then submitted to Monthly Notices, an Astronomical Association, through MSN.

EPIC 228813918 b revolves around a dwarf star of the M-type called EPIC 228813918. It takes 4.5 hours for EPIC 228813918 b to complete one orbit around its parent star. Consequently, a day on Earth is equivalent to 5 years on this planet.

Therefore, if one were to live on EPIC 228813918 b, they could potentially reach an age of 150,000 years (of course, not in Earth years).

However, scientists speculate that the intense radiation generated when EPIC 228813918 b comes too close to its parent planet may impact the possibility of life there.

If we were to maintain our normal daily routines from Earth, each night of sleep would last for up to 2 years. Thus, although 150,000 years may sound extensive, in reality, it would pass by quite quickly.

What’s interesting is that EPIC 228813918 b is approximately the size of Earth, with an estimated composition of 45% iron.

Nevertheless, this is not the planet with the shortest orbit ever discovered. The planet KOI 1843.03 revolves around a dwarf M-type star with a time span shorter than 4 minutes. This planet also shares similar size and composition, predominantly consisting of iron.

Thanks to the assistance of space telescopes, scientists have observed numerous peculiar planets beyond the Solar System.

For instance, the planet WASP-121b astonishes everyone as it is not perfectly spherical but rather oblong in shape.

This peculiar shape is a result of its close proximity to its parent star, which causes the gravitational pull to distort its original spherical form.

The atmospheric temperature of this bizarre planet reaches up to 2,538 degrees Celsius, and it may soon be destroyed due to its ongoing tug-of-war with its parent star.

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