The man who saved the dog in the desert couldn’t hold back his tears when he saw him again 1 year later

In January 2018, Matt Bentley was off-roading in Utah’s West Desert near the Salt Flats. According to ilovemydogsomuch, he noticed something running down the trail.

Because of how rough it appeared at first, he had no idea what it was. As he got closer, he realized it was a dog. The dog was in such bad condition. It lacked hair and didn’t get enough food.
Bentley realized right away that he couldn’t abandon her. He immediately took her to the Utah Adoption Animal Clinic. They provided her with the critical care she required. Despite having been through a lot, this puppy was still very friendly and affectionate with people. Kelly is her new name.

It was time for her to find a forever home after three months of receiving excellent vet care and much-needed love and attention. Jamie Jacques and her family took in Kelly not long after. Kelly quickly adjusted to her new surroundings, and she even has an older dog named Rocky. They get along wonderfully and couldn’t live without each other.

Kelly looks so different now that you’d never guess she was that hairless dog running through the desert. Jamie and her family will be eternally grateful to Bentley for bringing her to safety and obtaining the medical attention she required to save her life.

Bentley ran into Kelly again more than a year after rescuing her. He was taken aback by how different she appeared. He told her, with tears in his eyes, how amazed he was at how far she had come in a year and how much she had changed. “It hurts so much to know what he did for her,” Jamie choked back tears, “because we don’t know how it would have turned out otherwise.”

“Knowing that she’s come full circle and is in the condition she is now is like a fairy tale ending to the story.” Bentley said.

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