Once upon a time, a group of Dakota warriors went on a buffalo hunt. After the hunt, they stumbled upon an injured buffalo who was being guarded by another buffalo. The hunters attempted to chase the healthy buffalo away, but he refused to leave his injured companion behind, even charging at the hunters to protect him.

Despite the hunters’ initial plans to return and wait for the healthy buffalo to leave, they were surprised to find that the strong buffalo had remained by his brother’s side the next day. The healthy buffalo spent his time gently prodding and encouraging his injured relative to rise and get better.

As the days passed, the hunters checked on the buffalo brothers and saw that the injured buffalo was gradually getting stronger with the help of his brother. When they returned on the fourth day, both buffalo were gone, but the hunters noticed two sets of tracks leading away from the spot where the injured buffalo once lay. It was clear that the injured buffalo had been able to recover with the help of his strong and supportive brother.

From this tale of the Buffalo Brothers, we can learn a valuable lesson about the importance of supporting and encouraging our loved ones when they are facing difficult times. We should not abandon them in their time of need, but rather stand by their side and offer them the strength and support they need to heal and recover.

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